Monthly Archives: May 2010

A bit late…Craft Disaster

I had all these plans forĀ  great update on my projects and took a bunch of photos in the lovely sunshine. Then I realized that I didn’t have a cord to the camera I was using and totally messed up my knitting projects at least once. I threw the one out the window into the tree. I cannot be the first and only knitter to do that.

Once, my mom, in an effort to fix her favourite coffee cup, glued herself to the cup, the handle, and the counter top. The cup and the handle were still separate and my dad had to come with the nail polish remover and save my mother from the glue.

I’ve also been following Regretsy, a forum for mistakes that don’t get thrown out the window into trees and a quick Google search supplies endless images of craft disasters.

So this week, I’m copping out and asking you! yes you! for your knitting or crafting horror stories. Please share.

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An Etsy Faux Pas: Did I copy?

Quite excitingly, I opened up an Etsy shop a few months ago. Still awaiting my first sale, I’ve been slowly working out the bugs, getting the perfect banner, and making things to put up for sale in between what seems like a million other commitments.

Unfortunately, I received a rather unkind e-mail about my shop last week. Apparently there is another knitter using the name HandmadeHandsome and this person assumed and then accused me of, in no uncertain terms, copying her. She demanded that I change my shop name and banner, and suggested that I change my blog name, and everywhere else that I use HandmadeHandsome.

Obviously, we were both rather upset. The chances are rather slim that two knitters would think of the same name independently of each other, but that’s just what happened as I’ve not copied her in any way. Even after the accusations, I had quite a hard time finding her shop to see what she was talking about let alone finding it months ago and then copying it! (Somehow she seemed to know everything I’d ever put on the internet and was able to tell me when I started using HandmadeHandsome on each website and suggested names from my other user names for me to use instead! Proving the point that you shouldn’t put things on the internet if you wouldn’t want anyone to see it and use it against you!)

But what are the Etsy rules and regulations and general regulations for copying and copying accusations? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had this happen to, so I’d like to provide a guide for those who feel they have been copied and those who have been accused. Clearly, I’m not a lawyer and am not giving legal advice in this post.

An Etsy admin suggested the following links for their suggestions regarding copyright disputes:

DMCA, Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy
How-To: Report an Intellectual Property Issue to Etsy
Copyright FAQs

There is also a good article at the Radical Cross Stitch blog about crafting and the Creative Common Licensing, if interested

Etsy states that copying disputes are private and should be worked out between the two parties in question, unless one party wants to report it (see the how-to above.)

But basically, from what other users have said, and from what I know about copyright/ trademarkĀ  law, admittedly not much, no one is under any obligation to change their shop name, or any other name for that matter, unless one person has a registered trademark.

Furthermore, copyright legislation indicates that as soon as you create something, you have the copyright for that object. So if there is someone with the exact object you designed in their shop, that’s a case for a copying dispute for sure.

The issue between me and this person is that we both came up with the name independently and we both happen to sell knitwear. A crazy coincidence that in other circumstances I would have hoped would have ended in a friendship, but nonetheless it is quite troubling for building a business. We sell quite different knitted items and patterns, she sells rather chic, cleanly designed accesseories, and I have a glove pattern with skulls on.

We ended up working it out, as I was planning on changing my shop name anyway and agreed to change the name and banner. I also rather desperately and cowardly wanted to be left alone so it seemed like the best option.

In such a dispute, I would encourage everyone to maintain a level head and remember what Etsy and knitting are all about– community! Remember that there is another human being on the other end of the e-mail and try to work things out as amicably as possible. Treat others as you would like to be treated, but yet, on a less biblical theme and in the words of my favourite aunt, “there are assholes everywhere, and you can’t get away from them all.”


Filed under Knitting, Uncategorized

The scary part about design:

is pretty much everything!

I’m mostly concerned that I can’t see what’s wrong with a design. It’s that particular situation when you finish something and think it’s worthy of a Nobel prize and then you look at it a few hours later and want to burn it!

This corresponds to both graphic design and knit design. I’ve ordered some knitting design books, so I hope that will help. Apparently Elizabeth Zimmerman is a wool goddess! I’m very excited and they should arrive tomorrow. (I’ll keep you posted lovely people!)

Graphic design is my worst nightmare come true. I’m pretty terrible at design, and have a hard time recognizing ‘perfect’ design from a work in progress in the most talented of crafters See Mummysam who despite her hair-pulling frustration with this piece, is an incredible designer and a bit of an inspiration since Life on the Double Point pointed (ahem) her out to me a few months ago.

I’ve also had endless frustration designing banners for blogs, my website, and Etsy, which came to a head when another shop not-entirely-kindly pointed out that my banner and theirs were ‘the same’, it doesn’t help that they use the name handmadehandsome! (I think it’s actually a rather funny coincidence, especially considering they knit too and was planning on changing my shop name to reflect the name of the knit design business that I want to start.)

It’s another incredibly frustrating side-affect of choosing not to study art in university. (I fear this decision will haunt me forever.)

Where do you start with design? What are some good pointers? any recommended reading for design-idiots like me?


Filed under Knitting, Uncategorized