Tag Archives: Tube

Walking the Northern Line: Part 2

It wasn’t my finest moment when I finally rocked up to Kennington station after 7 hours of walking, being rained on, enjoying a brass band, and having been lost for the last half hour. I chose to walk this section by myself and as such I just wanted to get it over with. This meant one bathroom break, no pub, lunch on the go, and clearly a lot of poor decisions relating to food and drink (tuna pasta salad washed down with Gatoraid while walking down Goldiers Green Road got some weird looks.)

Another of my finest moments is that I can’t actually find any photos from this walk (how frustrating!) Anyway, I started my walk from Edgeware to Brent Cross, crossing over what’s left of the River Brent and a very scary footbridge over a motorway. From there I walked through Goldiers Green, past some surprisingly leafy areas in the very affluent Hampstead which actually felt like it was farther out of London than where I started in Edgeware.

From Goldiers Green, through Camden, Euston and central London, now with a headache and no patience for the tourists going out to the theatre in the evening. Finally crossed the river as it started to absolutely pour to find a flash mob brass band. I have to say, I love brass bands at the best of times and this really perked up my spirits. I thought I really could make it to Kennington at this point. And I did eventually after walking past it for about 20 minutes and then back.

I then, in my infinite wisdom decided to pop into the food store and pick up soup and juice (very heavy) and get on the train home with everyone else who was going out for their Saturday night. I arrived home around 10pm, after giving fairly detailed instructions to a very confused Italian who was finding his way from Manchester to Milan somehow via Heathrow with no tickets.

It may come as no surprise as I took a very long break before starting my next line, the Jubilee.

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Acton Town Depot: The way cool kids spend their Sunday

Remember how an original steam(!!!) tube train was refurbished and run on the Underground for its 150th anniversary? You may have noticed I don’t have any pictures nor did I gush at any point about getting to ride on it (for several hundred pounds!) or having seen it go past in all its classy glory. That’s because I didn’t get a ride (for several hundred pounds) nor did I get to see it (I was too busy.) Well, that’s been rectified (and I got to blow it’s whistle!)


Just look at it! A feat of beauty and engineering.

It’s safe to say that this steam train hissing, dripping, and periodically bellowing easily stole the show. The engine and the carriages were beautifully restored. We got to sit in the carriages and although I felt woefully under-dressed, I could just about imagine myself in 1863 on the first journey through central London.


Another steam train was a close second due to its small stature (look how cute it is!) and that it gave rides. Who doesn’t like rides?


Of course these two trains were the last things in a long line of very cool Underground and transport vehicles and general memorabilia related to transport in London. (I wonder where they keep all the complaints though!)


In addition, there was the renown 38 Stock. Arguably the classiest Tube trains that ever existed.



There was also every sign imaginable, some from Tube stations I’ve never even heard of!



There were also models of trains and entire stations, tiles, clocks, an electric car and a strange mixture of transport geeks and families. I wholly enjoyed myself and I think those I dragged along who were significantly less excited by the prospect of looking at London transport memorbilia also liked it despite themselves.

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